Anh ngữ VP-7

English at work 7 – Mr Lime’s grapefruit

Ông khách hàng Lime không được vui. Ông gởi thư đặt hàng với Tip Top Trading là các trái bưởi nhựa, nhưng lại được gởi nhầm các trái dứa nhựa. Anna phải xin lỗi và sắp xếp lại mọi thứ. Thật là 1 sự cố tai hại đáng ngượng ngùng!
Trong tập này bạn sẽ học một số cách ngôn ngữ dùng để đưa ra lời xin lỗi mọi người.

Các cụm từ thiết yếu bạn cần chú trọng và ghi nhớ:
I’m really sorry to hear that.
Tôi thật sự lấy làm tiếc khi nghe về điều đó. 
That’s totally unacceptable.
Như vậy là hoàn toàn không thể chấp nhận được. 
It must have been very inconvenient for you.
Chuyện đã xảy ra ắt là rất phiền hà cho ông.
You have my word that we will sort this out.
Tôi hứa với ông chúng tôi sẽ giải quyết thỏa đáng việc này.
And we could include some of our latest-edition imitation oranges to make up for the inconvenience.
Và chúng tôi có thể gởi kèm theo một số quả cam giả mới sản xuất để đền bù về sự bất tiện ấy. 
I promise you, it won’t happen again.
Tôi hứa với ông, điều đó sẽ không xảy ra lần nữa.

Narrator: Ah hello! Welcome back to Tip Top Trading – the UK’s leading wholesaler of imitation fruit. Today you’re joining us in the middle of the action! Anna is with an important client Mr Lime, from Citrus Ventures. He’s angry and she’ll have to calm him down. She could cope brilliantly here or this could be a horrible mess!
Anna: Well Mr Lime, how can I help you?
Mr Lime: On Monday I was meant to receive 8,000 plastic grapefruit from Tip Top Trading.
Anna: Yes.
Mr Lime: The delivery was made on Tuesday.
Anna: Oh dear.
Mr Lime: And instead of 8,000 plastic grapefruit, I got 800,000 plastic pineapples!
Narrator: Right Anna, this is serious. You’re going to have to apologise and show that you really mean it. Say: I’m really sorry to hear that.
Anna: I’m really sorry to hear that, Mr Lime.
Mr Lime: What on earth am I going to do with 800,000 plastic pineapples?
Narrator: Show Mr Lime that you understand the problem. These are phrases you can use:
That’s totally unacceptable.
That must have been very inconvenient for you.
And then promise to fix the problem. Say:
You have my word that we will sort this out.
We can do something to make up for the inconvenience.
It won’t happen again.
Mr Lime: 800,000 plastic pineapples!
Anna: That’s totally unacceptable.
Mr Lime: I didn’t even have anywhere to put them – and pineapples are so much bigger than grapefruit!
Anna: It must have been very inconvenient for you.
Mr Lime: It certainly was! When he took my order, your colleague Tom told me that Tip Top Trading was the most reliable firm in the industry!
Anna: You have my word that we will sort this out. We’ll remove the pineapples and have your grapefruit sent via express delivery this afternoon.
Mr Lime: Good. Thank you.
Anna: And we could include some of our latest-edition imitation oranges to make up for the inconvenience.
Mr Lime: Oh! Well, that would be nice!
Narrator: Tip top Anna! Excellent work and excellent words.
Anna: They’re made with revolutionary premium faux-orange, laser-curvedefinition technology… you will be the first to have them!
Mr Lime: Wow, now that’s good customer service! Tell me, do you have any other artificial fruits in this range?
Anna: Yes. Well, it’s a bit of a secret, but you’re a trusted client, so I think I can tell you…
Mr Lime: Go on…
Anna: We’re about to unveil a new Imperial Lemon.
Mr Lime: Really?
Anna: I can’t tell you any more for now. But…
Mr Lime: Yes…
Anna: Maybe we could present it to you more formally in a couple of weeks, when it’s ready for release…?
Mr Lime: Sounds perfect.
Anna: You would be the first to see it!
Mr Lime: Excellent. Thank you, er… Anna, isn’t it?
Anna: Yes.
Mr Lime: A very pretty name.
Anna: Thanks. It’s spelled the same forwards and backwards.
Mr Lime: Is it really?
Anna: Anyway, Mr Lime, we’ll fix this grapefruit problem for you, and I promise you, it won’t happen again.
Mr Lime: Good, good. You’re new here, aren’t you Anna?
Anna: Yes.
Mr Lime: Well I look forward to working with you.
Narrator: What a success! Mr Lime has come away a very happy customer! Here are the phrases Anna used while apologising:
I’m really sorry to hear that, Mr Lime.
That’s totally unacceptable.
It must have been very inconvenient for you.
You have my word that we will sort this out.
And we could include some of our latest-edition imitation oranges to make up for the inconvenience.
I promise you, it won’t happen again.
What will Anna’s boss Paul have to say about her work today? Join us next week to find out.